Body language: myths and facts

According to the American anthropologist and founder of the science of non -verbal communication Ray Bertvistel, all manifestations of the body carry a hidden meaning and not a single one is random. But is it really a replicated “body of the body of the body language” helps to accurately decode the behavior of others?

Myth 1: Unsecute women cross the ankles

A lot has been written about closed poses, and when we see a woman who sits, crossing the ankle, we believe that she is shy, experiences inconvenience or simply does not want to communicate. In fact, inclined by each other or crossed by ankles – the textbook pose of the classical school of elegant manners, the pose of a respectable lady. She allows a woman to look fit and neat, while maintaining impeccable posture. It is apparently presented to the Queen Elizabeth or the Duchess of Cambridge sitting somehow differently.

Myth 2: Hands crossed on the chest – a sign of alienation

Many are accustomed to believe that such a pose speaks of vulnerability, discomfort and alienation between interlocutors. Former FBI agent and expert in the field of non -verbal communication Joe Navarro notes that such a position of hands is often characteristic of politicians discussing the issue outside public events, and doctors exchanging advice in the corridor. Before evaluating the negative potential of the posture, you need to know if the interlocutors are familiar with each other. The same pose of closely familiar people indicates focus and interest in the topic under discussion. If the contact is short, hands crossed on the chest can speak of shyness or arrogance, but this may also be an attempt to warm up or find a support in an armchair without armrests.

Myth 3: If a woman laughs, then she likes a man

Women signal sympathy with their legs. Putting the foot in the direction of the interlocutor, the woman talks about her location. If the company is unpleasant for her, the legs are under the seat. During sincere laughter, the legs become mobile, and it is easy to determine what is behind this laughter.

Myth 4: Falsens do not look into the eyes

By the elusive movement of the eyes, only a children’s lie can be detected. An adult liar who knows the basics of kinestics (a set of body movements used in the process of interaction. – approx. Ed.), controls gestures, eyes and facial expressions, deceiving the interlocutor not only with words, but also. More persistent and long -lasting than usual, a look in the eyes gives out that the liar has overdid it. Accepting the lack of visual contact for the lie indicator, you risk slander the introvert or representative of the culture, the etiquette of which equates prolonged contact with the eyes with a sexual or aggressive challenge.

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